Name of the company Medical Instruments Plant – Medapparat, LLC (MIZ-MA, LLC )
Head of the company Director - Igor Koleychuk Commercial Director - Boris Strelnikov
Company’s contact data Sales department +38 (04849) 2-22-07
Director +38 (04849) 6-55-11
Strelnikov Boris +38 (067) 990-33-56
67701, Ukraine, the Odessa area, Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy, Mayakovsky Str 59
e- mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Short information about the company: LLC "MIZ-MA" – the modern enterprise, which specializes on issue hot air sterilizer and steam sterilizer, intended for sterilization product medical purpose: hot air sterilizers GP-20, GP-40, GP-80, GP-160, FR-160, GP-320, FR-320, GP-640, FR-640, FR-1300 steam sterilizers GK-10, GK-20. All products, including development of the last years, correspond to the modern standard and requirements.
Company’s short export and foreign cooperation history: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Moldova - all products
Company’s product list and interest in projects: Medicine
Head of the company Lyubov Vyshnevska, Chairman of the Board
Company’s contact data 5, Zroshuvalna Str., Kiev 02099, Ukraine
T. +38 044 566-35-12
F. +38 044 566-36-01
Shestakova Anna
Head of Strategic Planning and Business Development Department
Short information about the company: “INDAR” is modern biopharmaceutical manufacturer of high quality products in full compliance with GMP standards. The enterprise is the only in Ukraine and among just a few in the world with full technological cycle of genetically engineered insulin – from API to finished dosage forms. Company’s product portfolio is constantly expanding to cover wide range of therapeutical segments, mainly focusing on manufacturing products for socially dangerous and significant diseases healing, including all types of Diabetes, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Oncology, their complications and related diseases. We conduct portfolio diversification in different pharmaceutical areas to provide innovative and high quality products with respect to all medical needs our patients might have.
Company’s short export and foreign cooperation history: Indar’s products have been approved in Federative Republic of Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Republic of Yemen, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.
Countries and regions that the company is interested in: “INDAR” is currently interested in cooperation in Africa region, Latin America, Middle East, Asia, ready to supply products as listed below.
Company’s product list: Human Recombinant insulin Humodar R 100 R 100 IU/ml solution for injection/ 1 vial (10 ml) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar R 100 R 100 IU/ml solution for injection/ 1 vial (5 ml) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar R 100 R 100 IU/ml solution for injection/ 5 cartridges (3 ml each) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar C 25 100 R 100 IU/ml suspension for injection/ 1 vial (10 ml) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar C 25 100 R 100 IU/ml suspension for injection/ 1 vial (5 ml) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar C 25 100 R 100 IU/ml suspension for injection/ 5 cartridges (3 ml each) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar B 100 R 100 IU/ml suspension for injection/ 1 vial (10 ml) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar B 100 R 100 IU/ml suspension for injection/ 1 vial (5 ml) in carton box
Human Recombinant insulin Humodar B 100 R 100 IU/ml suspension for injection/ 5 cartridges (3 ml each) in carton box
Heparin-Indar in vials 5 ml (5 000 IU/ml) solution for injection/ 1 vial in carton box
Heparin-Indar in vials 5 ml (5 000 IU/ml) solution for injection/ 5 vials in carton box
Protamine sulphate in vials 10 ml (1 000 IU/ml) solution for injection/ 1 vial in carton box
Thioctodar (thioctic (alphalipoic) acid) in vials 10 ml (300 mg) solution for injection/ 1 vial in carton box
Name of the company Iceblick, Ltd
Head of the company Sachura Volodymyr – General Director
Company’s contact data 65026 , 29 Pastera Street, Odessa, Ukraine
Contact person – Leiko Maryna
Phone:+38(048)723-6011,+38(048)723-2015, +38(048)237-7012,+38(048)237-2935
Email: [email protected]
Short information about the company: Iceblick, Ltd. was founded in 1992 as a result of creative and business collaboration of companies from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the USA. Our company encompasses industrial enterprises, research laboratories, planning and design offices, assembling, balancing and commissioning crews employing highly qualified specialists.
Iceblick, Ltd. is one of the global market leaders for gas products.
We supply about 60% of the world's neon and more than 20% of krypton and xenon worldwide.
Principal Activity:
Production and sales of high-purity rare gases (krypton, xenon, and neon) for industrial and analytical purposes.
Research and development of new high-performance technologies and equipment for rare gases production to meet our customers' existing and projected requirements.
Development and utilization of high-precision analysis methodologies to ensure quality of pure rare gases and rare gas mixtures produced.
Purification of freons R14 and RC318.
Production of neon isotopes.
Production of gaseous and liquefied helium for medical and other industries.
Company’s short export and foreign cooperation history: The primary consumers of the rare gases we produce are companies from the US, the EU, and Asia.
Our success in the global market is based largely on application of original engineering solutions and technologies, covered by our patents in the world's leading developed economies.
Countries and regions that the company is interested in: The countries that currently interest our company the most are France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and USA. As for the goods for export, we are eager to supply such rare gases as neon, krypton, xenon and helium.
Company’s product list and interest in projects: Our company is open-minded and eager to participate in any interesting project suggested by our international partners and companies from all over the world.
Name of the company Pavlograd Chemical Plant, State Enterprise Research-Industrial Complex
Head of the company General Director – Shyman Leonid
Company’s contact data Head of External Commercial Department (44, Zavodskaya Str., city of Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, 51402 Ukraine
tel. +38 (0563) 210-517
e-mail: [email protected]
Short information about the company: The plant is one of the leading Ukrainian enterprises in the fields of production:
explosives (composite solid rocket propellants and items of their content, etc.),
disposal (various types of ammunition unsuitable for further storage and application;
solid propellant, etc.), scientific research on (development of high-energetic
materials and items, etc.), design and engineering (technologies and equipment for
production and disposal of explosion and fire dangerous materials and items, etc.)
Official web-site:
Company’s short export and foreign cooperation history: Countries of Central and East Europe. Export of own production.
Company’s product list and interest in projects: Projects and tenders on supply of industrial explosives, design and engineering in technologies and equipment for production and disposal of explosion and fire dangerous materials and items etc.